
Corita Art Center would like to thank the following for their support of our programs and projects.

Special thanks to our founding supporter

and all of our other incredible supporters...


Corita Art Center thanks the following individuals for their unwavering support.

Lynn Aldrich
Marya Barr
Ben Barry
Juliette Bellocq
Sara Campbell
Susan Christiansen
Becky Clements
Lorelai Creel
Laurie Dowling and Michael Woo
Msgr. Timothy Dyer
Sheharazad and Ron Fleming
Errol Gerson
Rick Griffith
Alison Hoeven
Camilo and Cade Holleman
Jean Holsten
Seth Johnson
Thomas Kennedy and John L. Morace
June and Simon Li
Sheilah Lynch
Jalaine Madura
Michelle Nader
Kristin Pilon
Jamie Rosenthal
Jean Scott
Howard Sellers and Rod Stephens
Karol Schulkin
Lorraine and Ryan Smith