only speak of hope
only speak of hope
Archive ID
28 ½"h x 35"w
Transcribed Text
My relationship to myself is mediated by the presence of the other person, by what he is for me and what I am for him. To love anybody is to expect something from him, something which can neither be defined nor be seen; it is at the same time in some way to make it possible for him to fulfill this expectation. Yes, paradoxical as it may seem, to expect is in some way to give: but the opposite is none the less true; no longer to expect is to strike with sterility the being from whom no more is expected. It is then in some way to deprive him or to take from him in advance what is surely a certain possibility of inventing or creating. Everything looks as though we can only speak of hope where the interaction exists between him who gives and him who receives... g. marcel
Texto Transcrito
Mi relación conmigo mismo está mediada por la presencia de la otra persona, por lo que él es para mí y lo que yo soy para él. Amar a alguien es esperar algo de él, algo que no se puede definir ni ver; es al mismo tiempo que de alguna manera le permite cumplir esta expectativa. Sí, por paradójico que parezca, esperar es, de alguna manera, dar: pero lo contrario no es menos cierto; ya no esperar es golpear con esterilidad al ser del que no se espera más. Es entonces, de alguna manera, privarlo o quitarle de antemano lo que seguramente es una cierta posibilidad de inventar o crear. Todo parece como si solo pudiéramos hablar de esperanza donde existe la interacción entre el que da y el que recibe ... g. marcel